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B. Braun - Sharing Expertise. A „szakértelem megosztása“ arra vonatkozó ígéretünket jelenti, hogy tapasztalatainkat és szaktudásunkat megosztjuk az egészségügyi szakemberekkel. A B. Braun Avitum dialízishálózat munkatársai rendszeres résztvevői és előadói a hazai és nemzetközi egészségügyi kongresszusoknak, ahol szaktudásukkal és tapasztalatcserével járulnak hozzá a nefrológiai ellátás továbbfejlesztéséhez. A  tudásmegosztás jegyében az alábbi oldalakon dializáló nővéreink és nefrológus szakorvosaink külföldi kongresszusokon megjelent szakmai munkáit tekinthetik meg.

2016. évi nemzetközi kongresszusok

EDTNA 2016.

Leírás Dokumentum Link
Asztalos Mária Old age and renal failure in Szabols- Szatmár- Bereg County
pdf (1.4 MB)
Bálint Kinga Utilization of AV graft as vascular access
pdf (132.0 KB)
Borbély Judit Prolonged malnutrion in hemodialysis patients due to clostridium difficile infection
pdf (180.3 KB)
Csere Anikó New results in kidney transplantation accession to Eurotransplant
pdf (227.1 KB)
Kreinné Kopácsi Mária Non- invasive tests for examination of diabetic foot among hemodialysis patients
pdf (118.7 KB)
Dr. Kulcsár Dalma Renal replacement therapy preferences of chronic kidney disease patients receiving nephrological care
pdf (71.7 KB)
Kurfis Teréz Causes of patient drop- out from peritoneal dialysis single centre experience over five years
pdf (45.1 KB)
Ledó Lívia More success, less danger- the adequate way of performing dialysis in intensive care unit
pdf (273.7 KB)
Nagy Margit From a black widow spider (Latrodectus) bite to haemodialysis
pdf (256.4 KB)
Molnár Erzsébet Fate of our patients undergone a kidney transplantation 1976-2015
pdf (134.5 KB)
Moravszki Zsófia Accentance of PD- A long way of a patient to the best modality for him
pdf (61.5 KB)
Nagy Éva Study of the quality oh life (QOL) in dialysis patients
pdf (361.1 KB)
Szakács Gyuláné Vitamin D deficiency in dialysis patients before and after native vitamin D supplementation
pdf (155.8 KB)
Szakács Gyuláné Experiences with a tunneled permanent central venous catheter in our haemodialysis patients (2007-2015)
pdf (201.5 KB)
Szemecsko- Makula Judit Primary vascular access type and survival in chronic haemodialysis programme
pdf (124.9 KB)
Tiroly Krisztina Patient's struggle for peritoneal dialysis despite of complications
pdf (719.3 KB)
Udvardiné Bukits Brigitta Haemorrhage sfter Tenckhoff- catheter replacement- acquired factor VIII. deficiency
pdf (215.6 KB)
Varsányi Krisztina Follow- up of teh fate of our pre- dialysis patients between 2009 and 2015
pdf (148.3 KB)
Vizeliné Slavonics Katalin New diabetological education method at the hemodialysis station
pdf (367.9 KB)

2015. évi nemzetközi kongresszusok

Euro PD 2015.

Leírás Dokumentum Link
Budai Krisztina Evaluation of adherence among patients on peritoneal dialysis
pdf (182.2 KB)
Fábián Piroska PD as ‘ultimum refugium’ because of inadequate vascular access (case study)
pdf (151.8 KB)
Király Mónika Evaluation of the caregiver’s psychosocial and mental state in peritoneal dialysis (PD)
pdf (210.3 KB)
Nagy Éva Change of estimated GFR and residual urine volume in chronic peritoneal dialysis program
pdf (365.9 KB)
Szakács Gyuláné Survival of peritoneal dialysis technique and patients
pdf (225.9 KB)
Tölgyesi Katalin Periodontal status and dental care of patients on peritoneal dialysis
pdf (217.9 KB)
Udvardiné Bukits Brigitta Course of illness of patients with or without diabetes in peritoneal dialysis program
pdf (321.1 KB)

EDTNA 2015.

Leírás Dokumentum Link
Bálint Kinga Case of ruptured AV fistula
pdf (6.6 MB)
Barna Gyömgyi PD education and the implementation of the treatment of elderly and prostrate patients
pdf (3.4 MB)
Csitkovicsné Tóth Tünde Examination of the rate of hypochromic red blood cells for monitoring iron-deficiency in haemodialyzed patients
pdf (6.2 MB)
Ledó Lívia One way, many paces – unique inspiration to win over the disease
pdf (3.4 MB)
Moga Istvánné The power of a smile
pdf (7.0 MB)
Paár Andrea Rate of methods of blood access after 90 days – problems, solution
pdf (3.9 MB)
Szakács Gyuláné Outcome of our predialysis patient population between 2009-2014
pdf (4.5 MB)
Szigeti Anita The role of a PD nurse in light of two cases
pdf (3.0 MB)
Tiroly Krisztina Analysis of needlestick injuries in a hemodialysis center
pdf (3.2 MB)
Tölgyesi Katalin The taking habits of over-the-counter NSAID medications among kidney failure patients
pdf (2.9 MB)

EDTA 2015.

Leírás Dokumentum Link
Dr. Ambrus Csaba Oscillometric assessment of vascular stiffness as a predictor of cardiovascular mortality in patients on maintenance hemodialysis
pdf (1.3 MB)
Dr. Kiss Zoltán Impact of smoking habit on survival, glomerulonephritis and its relation to ACE gene I/D polymorphism in hemodialysis patients
pdf (941.5 KB)
Dr. Kovács László Evaluation of vitamin D supply in relation to binding proteins and PTH levels, and in correlation with types of dialysis
pdf (927.7 KB)
Dr. Kulcsár Dalma Relationship between body mass change and survival of patients on maintenance hemodialysis program
pdf (967.2 KB)